
enabling you to gladly accept and appreciate the esteemed privileges of spiritual daughterhood in Christ 

Established a Good Foundation for Ongoing Change 

Acquired A Greater Ability to Share Yourself 

and support a healthy heart and mind, encourage self-mastery, and improve interpersonal communication 

Gained the Tools, Skills
and Practices That Improve Wellbeing 

Gained A Self-Management Attitude and the Motivation  

so you’re no longer tossed about by unchecked thoughts and old beliefs (your own or those of others)

of Catholic women willing to welcome and come to know you so your journey is fortified with supportive friendships of grace

you need for intentional ongoing growth and wellbeing as God’s beloved child 

and challenges with confident hope knowing you’re not alone and are deserving of support as a beloved daughter of God, even if you tend to distrust others, or have always felt unseen and unimportant

Learned to See and Accept Yourself with Truth, Understanding, and Compassion 

Experienced the Joy of a Caring Community and the Value of a supportive Network 

By the end of this program you will have:

Through Baptism You Became God's Daughter.
Take His Heart, His Mind, His Daughter and Become More Like Him! Apply for EARLY ACCESS now


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Collection 03


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Collection 02


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Collection 01


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Collection 03


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Collection 02


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Collection 01

"I will treasure that life-changing one-to-one meeting in my heart for a lifetime. The way Crystal conducted the conversation, asking me the right questions and listening with attention, the Lord clearly showed me exactly where I needed to change and take urgent action. Crystal helped me to have a plan to follow, and how to accomplish that plan.

 Yes, I will be willing to pay for resources in a community that help me grow spiritually, let me know myself better, and in which I can learn practical ways to live my purpose in life."

Crystal has a beautiful
way to make us feel special, unique, and loved as a daughter of God."

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Grecia m.

You Are God's Daughter. Become More Like Him In
Your Heart and Mind, Take His Heart, His Mind, His Daughter™ 

"God will give us the grace to persevere if we ask for it trustingly and are firmly resolved to do whatever is up to us.



FULL  Course + Community

FULL  Course + Community

3 monthly payments of

A ONE-TIME payment of

6 monthly payments of

A ONE TIME-payment of

A ONE-TIME payment OF


Get started with just Module 1
Taking Responsibility for Your Mindset

Premier Experience of Course + Community

Enroll Today Independent Study

(Early Access Limited to 20 Students)












Option #1

Option #2

Fr. Jacques Philippe

Genuine, compassionate, and unquestionably loves the Lord and depends on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit for guidance and understanding.

I contracted with Crystal to facilitate continuing education with my staff in a residential program for young women. She weaved a commonality among the staff that improved their work with our clients. Her gentle approach nurtures an attitude of acceptance.

Great description of your item and its benefits here. Let viewers know exactly how this will change their lives.

Great description of your item and its benefits here. Let viewers know exactly how this will change their lives.

Two key factors in lasting change are knowing our identity as beloved Daughters of God and learning how to live in that identity. Crystal has journeyed long and far to not simply learn about, or understand intellectually her worth as a beloved Daughter of God, but to wholeheartedly embrace it.  She has a particular gift of speaking this wisdom with gentleness, compassion, and kindness, while never compromising God’s truth.

Crystal desires to share that with you because the personal, intimate, and profound love of God for his Daughters is for each and every one of us.

Ever wished you could get just part of a course to jumpstart your transformation with the time you have available right now?  I understand and so I've decided to make just Module 1 available so you can get started right away with laying a good foundation. Perfect for those seeking independent study. 

Here's what's inside:
✔   14 mini lessons to help you clearly see and appreciate your dignity and identity 
✔   Course Module 1 Workbook full of effective, practical tips, strategies, and guidance   
✔   8 weeks access to Module 1
✔   Bonus! 2 Monthly Live Coaching Calls for extra support
✔   Don't forget this thing

You're ready to invest in the transformation you seek. You want and need more than information. You want faithful, knowledgeable guidance, support, and connect with other Catholic women on the same journey. You're ready for the VIP experience of the course and community option.

Here's what's inside:

✔   Entire course containing to help you clearly see and appreciate your dignity and identity 
✔   Course Workbook full of effective, practical tips, strategies, and guidance 
✔   6 months access to the course and private Favored Daughters Community
✔   Live Educational Q&As
✔   Monthly Mastery Workshops improve skillset, mindset, motivation
✔   Small Accountability Groups to help you implement and stay focused
✔   Access to special offers, bonuses available only to members


Kathy Miller, Pregnancy center Founder

nissa chadwick, lmft

What's Inside
His Heart, His Mind, His Daughter™?

This module challenges you to live out your new identity and dignity as a beloved daughter of God. That means leaving behind old ways of thinking, doing, and being.

You'll implement the power of small steps in goal-setting to motivate and direct your potential and capacity for daring greatly as a daughter of God aided by grace. 

module 3

This module teaches you to express yourself with care and greater merciful love as you assess and manage how you think and speak.

You'll create the boundaries necessary to initiate change and respond to challenges, situations, and people with greater ease, awareness, intention, and confidence.

You'll learn and practice skills that foster and support a healthy heart and mind as you learn to care for yourself and others.

Understand mindset and learn to pattern yours according to the “gold standard” Christ offers you as a beloved daughter of God (rather than what others think, say, or want of you)
Discover what it means that you are unique…and unrepeatable in the eyes of God, an absolute delight to His Sacred Heart, and learn to accept and appreciate it as his gift to you
Living in the truth takes authentic humility, learn the 4 layers of this confidence-building superpower that empowers you against self-defeating pride
Open your heart to hidden opportunities to grow as you learn to navigate the experience of humiliation with grace
Understand self-love properly, its role in self-giving love, and how to care for yourself according to your new nature as God’s child
Rein in attitudes, assumptions, expectations, and feelings to manage and align them with the mind of Christ 
Appreciate and manage your feelings effectively

module 2

In this first module, we demystify the process involved in successfully managing your mindset as God’s daughter so you’re no longer at the mercy of unruly, critical thinking.

We’ll tackle common beliefs and attitudes that are misaligned with the truth about your identity so you can place your expectations and efforts where they will serve you better. This is a graceful encounter of seeing yourself with truth, mercy, and God's child.

module 1

Taking Responsibility For Your Mindset

Taking Your Place As
A Daughter of God

Taking Responsibility
For Your Skillset

Understand Divine Mercy as a redemptive response that enhances how you handle the things that come up within you and between you and others
Recognize and understand the true nature of self-compassion
Explore and cultivate a right image of God as a merciful Father and the means for seeing and appreciating yourself rightly using artistic expression
Learn to cooperate with God's desire to restore, renew, and bring His image to perfection in you
Reflect on and utilize three sacred commitments every child of God has been entrusted with 
Affirmation as a means of exercising yourself in virtue and healthy boundaries as love in action

Module 1 Highlights:

Module 2 Highlights:

Module 3 Highlights:

Establish dignity-worthy goals using God's gift of the personal power of motivation
Move towards wellbeing goals that support your identity in Christ
Learn to say 'Yes' to growing in grace rather than avoiding setbacks and suffering
Reflect on the transforming power of daily afflictions to strengthen our union with God and others
Design a desolation kit for tough times
Understand spiritual daughterhood and embrace its privileges and duties for the glory of God and your ongoing wellbeing.  
Discover the joy of spiritual friendship and community rooted in Christ

Our Private, New Community is Sure to Keep You
Moving Forward in Unwavering Hope and Determination!

12 Weeks of Access to the exclusive Favored Daughters Membership, a private learning community and home of my signature course His Heart, His Mind, His Daughter™ for members only. Connect with your sisters, conversations, and content here.


1. Support from a caring, welcoming community of Catholic women who understand your struggle, and respects and affirms your Catholic identity in a sensitively moderated environment free of spiritual fads incompatible with the values of your Catholic faith 

2. Knowledgeable, experienced and faithful guidance to encourage and support you in your journey

3. A clear, proven path that lays a foundation for a healthy heart and mind that begins with how you see yourself—to owning your rightful place in life as a beloved daughter of God 

4. Thoughtfully organized small group accountability (4 people max) to help you practice what you learn; Identify where you are, where you’ve grown, and where you want to be

5. Educational Live Q&A's full of hard-won, time-tested, faith-approved wisdom for asking questions related to community course content

6. Monthly Mastery workshops to build resilience, enrich coping, improve your mindset and skillset 

Favored Daughters Community

($2,100 Value)

Course + Community option #2

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Option #1 Bonus

Peace of mind exclusive Audio Affirmations with cards
Mini Workshop on Self-Care + Workbook (end of course)
Interview with faithful Catholic therapist on Suffering Well

Option #2 Bonus Package

This is where you can talk about your philosophy, your approach, how you work, etc. Remember, every section of this site can be moved around, used for different purposes, or deleted if necessary. This demo is just an example of what's possible, but you should totally re-style this site to match your own unique needs and creative vision!

Something here about exactly what you offer and why.